Hello world! Well this is my very first blog on coupons. I must say that it took a little coaxing from friends to put one together, so here it is! First off I have to say that I am fairly new to couponing, less than a year. Most people who have known me throughout the years know that I did go through a "High Maintenance" phase, then had 3 kids and went to "No Maintenance" phase. LOL. So over the years I had to learn how to make the dollar stretch and cut corners. Now with a growing family and the crazy economy, saving money has become my hobby.
I met a nice lady by the name of Katherine who I learned was a "Crazy Coupon" lady. I was in shock when I seen her pantry, fridge and freezers... and her stash of makeup, toothpaste, deordorant, shampoo...you name it...she had it. So for a few months I would shop at "Katherine's". If I needed it she had it! She had offered to teach me, but I figured it was easier to just shop at her house! Finally, after seeing how she could "make money" or walk away paying $.90 for a shopping cart FULL of groceries... I wanted to play too. So Katherine took me under her wing and she showed me the ropes and now I am a Super Coupon Diva! he he... I am still a long ways to being a "Crazy Coupon" Lady like my friend Katherine, cause she can REALLY make a dollar stretch. I am still in training! I think I do pretty well for being in training, but I know there is STILL A LOT to learn! Besides being in training... I am Super Lazy Diva too! So sometimes I miss out on the deals or am a day late and a $1 short! lol
Everyone asks me "Where do you get all your coupon's from"? Well, I have to give credit and say Thanks to family and friends who contribute to my habit...I mean Hobby! Without them, I'd be paying full price ALL the time! LOL. No really, I have a lot of friends who don't coupon, but reap the benefits. They give me their weekly inserts to the paper or one's they get in the mail and in return I'll give them something I got for free. Most won't accept it, but who doesn't like "Free"? ; ) I also subscribe to the AZ Republic and recieve 6 Sunday Papers at home every week! So I collect as many coupons as I can and then clip and save! Now, there are sometimes where if it is a product that my family will use no matter if I have to pay Full Price on... I will go to the good ol' ebay or beg other couponers to trade me coupons. I never knew people sold coupons, but it is a whole underground world in couponing! ha ha!
Oh, I must give a shot out to my Mom Freida who did raise me on clipping coupons and showing me how to be frugal. Thanks Mom! My mom laid the foundation to me becoming a couponer! Now I am on another level... not the highest-hard core level yet! But getting there!
I will be posting my great finds and pictures of my pantry and freezers! Yes, I said freezerS! I have learned to super coupon, you need the space!!! Yes, SPACE! I have the worlds smallest pantry... I wish I had a contractor in the family who could knock down a few walls and build me a huge pantry! I can only sit back and hope my two single sisters will meet a "Contractor" for a boyfriend! That or either my younger brother will be gay and bring home a handy man. I can only hope! Ha Ha!
What does $40 buy?
13 years ago
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