Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fry's 3/14

I went to my local Fry's to cash in some of my coupons and rainchecks that were about to expire and to catch the weekly deals! I purchased 20 packages of Eggo's for FREE after coupon, 25 boxes of cereal (Froot Loops, Honey Smacks, Corn Pops, Apple Jacks and Rice Crispy's)@ $.50 each ($12.50 for 25 boxes), 15 Kraft Crumbles, shredded, singles and cube cheese for FREE after coupon, 10 Ken's Steakhouse Dressing @ $.50 each after coupon and 1 pk of margarine. Now I didn't plan on buying margarine originally and didn't check to see if there was a coupon available... I figured we'd need it to cook with, so I paid $1 for it. So for everything on the table, I paid $17.50. I did recieve a Catalina for $3 off my next shopping trip for getting 4+ Kraft Cheese, so the next time I go to Fry's I will use it and save $3 off! Now $17.50 may seem like a lot of $ to the Hard Core couponer, but in reality when the average person looks at the table, they would say.. "Hey, a box of Froot Loops run about $4 a box, Kraft Cheese singles run about $3, Eggo's can go around $2.50 and dressing runs around $3 and the Margarine is about $2 when not on sale. So if you were to buy these 5 products with no coupon and not on sale, it would be $14.50! So only $3 more than paying without sale and coupon... BUT I have 25 boxes of cereal, 20 b0xes of Eggo's, 10 Salad Dressing, 15 Kraft Cheese, and Margarine! I know 25 boxes of cereal seems extreeme, but I won't be buying cereal at full price for a while and the Eggo's can be frozen! We just started eating salads in this casa, so dressing is a must! And I am seriously kicking myself... a couple days before this sale came, I spent $4.xx a box for Froot Loops and Rice Crispies! Can you feel my pain?

I had a lot of coupons and rainchecks to use this week too, but I managed to leave my coupon folder somewhere and it is missing. I hope whomever found it made use of the coupons and didn't throw them in the dumpster... Enough about that... cause I cried for a few days!

p/s... yes, that is my second freezer in the background! Here is a picture of the inside. Everything in this freezer was Free or I paid no more than $.50 each for the Toaster Struddles.

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